Extensions – System – Adding Multiple Extensions

There are two ways to add multiple extensions to IPVoice :

  1. Manually

Extensions can be added through the list view by pressing “Advanced Options”.

From here you can manually fill in the ‘Name’,’Email’,’Ext’,’Secret’, ‘PIN’,’Department’, [‘MAC’] fields and click on the Add(+) icon to create more entries.

TIP – If extension “Secret”, “User Password” or “PIN” are left blank the system will generate one. Also, if MAC address is not know you can leave this blank and populate in the extension settings later.

  1. Creating and uploading ‘.csv’ file

To bulk upload from a ‘.csv’ file:

Download the “CSV Template” found under Extensions > Add > “Advanced Options”

Delete the example extensions and populate the fields to what you require.

For example:

“Fred Bloggs”,”Fred@domain.com”,”1201″,”jvT-6%xa0Tfpa6Em”,”KF80x2qvGKbH-3″,”1111″,”001122AABBCC”,”Sales”

  • Save the file as ‘multiple-extensions.csv’
  • Click on the ‘Browse’ button
  • Select ‘multiple-extensions.csv’ from your hard drive
  • Click the ‘Upload’ button
  • The New Extensions will be created

NOTE: IPVoice requires strong password enforcement, which means that the secret must meet certain criteria in order to be accepted, otherwise IPVoice will display an error message stating that secret is too weak.

The secret has to meet the following criteria in order to be accepted:

  • It must be at least 8 characters long
  • It must contain at least 1 uppercase
  • It must contain at least 1 lowercase
  • It must contain at least 1 digit
  • It must contain at least 1 special character ()
  • Allowed characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ! % * _ –

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