Fax – Sent

Sent Faxes

This screen lists all faxes sent from IPVoice with the following details:

  • From

Extension number from which the fax was sent

  • Destination

External Number which the attached fax was sent to.

  • Sent Pages

Number of fax pages that were sent successfully.

  • Total Pages

Total number of pages selected fax consist of.

  • Status

Sent fax status, describing whether the fax was sent successfully or not.

  • Date/Time

Date/Time fax was sent (ex. 21 June 2021 12:55:07)

  • Box used for download/delete fax actions

(ex. Select this box and click ‘Download’ button to download the selected fax)


  • Delete

With Delete button you will remove selected fax(es) from the list

  • Download PDF

Download selected fax(es) as a PDF file

  • Download TIFF

Download selected fax(es) as a TIFF file

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