CRM Routing

CRM Routing allows for special handling of calls based on CRM data fetched through API integration. Such as routing inbound callers to specific queues, IVRs, or to alternative greetings/sound prompts.

Configuring the CRM rules:

Configuration for CRM rules is setup under the CRM tab, under the “Routing header”

The configurable fields are:


Rule Name – The description of the rule (This will be what appears in the “destination” field when configured in the DID/IVR)

CRM Field Name – The CRM field which value IPVoice should fetch and check

Location – The type of application to use this rule (DID/IVR)

Greeting Instructions – Used only if the location is set to IVR,

CRM Settings:

CRM To Use – Defines which CRM system to use, whether it’s the integration setup through the IPVoice integration section of the platform or a Custom URL for a web based CRM system.

CRM Modules – Defines which CRM module to fetch the information from i.e “Leads”, “Contacts” or “Accounts”. (Not available with Custom CRM)

CRM Username – CRM username used for authentication. (Not available with Custom CRM)

CRM Password CRM password used for authentication, this is CRM specific i.e Zoho will use the Token generated on setup so will not require a password. (Not available with Custom CRM)

CRM URL – url which we will contact (must start with “https://”)

Note: for setup, all fields except Greeting Instructions are required.

Rule setup:

Operator – Arithmetic operator that influences the rule

< – CRM data is less than the “Value” field set in the rule

> – CRM data is greater than the “Value” field set in the rule

= – CRM data equals the text in the “Value” field set in the rule

<= – CRM data is less than, or equals the text in the “Value” field set in the rule

>= – CRM data is greater than, or equals the text in the “Value” field set in the rule

Value – The Value to compare with the CRM data. i.e tag against the contact field or a numerical value.

Destination – Type of destination to route to based on the “Value” field (Queue/IVR/Play recording)

Destination Option – Queue/IVR number/name or recording filename

Setting up the Inbound Routing:

Once your rule is setup, you need to tell the system to check it before routing the call through.

You can do this as either an IVR option, or a DID depending on what you’ve set in the rule.



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