DIDs (also known as DDIs) are used to route all incoming external calls. DID’s can be set to ring through directly to extensions, Ring group extension or other call routing objects like IVR or queues.

DIDs are configured and routed to the IPVoice Provisioning portal platform and assigned to a tenant on which they are going to be used.

Adding a DID to a Tenant

To create a new DID, first navigate to the DID section of the portal:

Pressing “Add DID” will bring you to this interface:

  • Tenant:

Assign the DID to your Tenant

  • Trunk:

System Trunk used by a DID – This will either be GSIP or BTWSIP.

  • DID/Channel (start)

Provide the DID number here that you are going to configure (e.g. 02049875236).

Setup DID Destination within Tenant

  • Navigate to the tenant and click on the DID you wish to route

  • Destination

Select the type of destination the DID is to be applied to, for example if you were routing this through to a ring group, the type would be “Extension” and the destination would be the extension number of the ring group.

(ex. Extension, Multi User, External Number, IVR, Queue, Voicemail, Remote Access, Conferences, Trunk, FAX to E-mail, Deny Access)

Destination Types:

  • Extension

The destination type is a local Extension – e.g Ring group or a local extension number.

(e.g Sales group – 401 or Andre – 100)

  • Multi User:
  • External Number:

The destination type is an external number – e.g a full Geo or non Geo number, or Mobile number

(e.g 03012355499 or 07984154125)

  • IVR:

Destination is an IVR group on the system.

(e.g Main Auto Attendant – 801)

  • Queues:

Destination is a Queue group on the system.

(e.g Main group – 501)

  • Voicemail:

The Destination is a Local Voicemail extension, either an extensions mailbox or a separate mailbox entirely.

(e.g 101- James Bond or 149- Out of Hours VM)

  • Remote Access:

When called this DID will allow the caller to access destinations or the system voicemail remotely, the main use for this is the voicemail access as it allows for the caller to hit the system voicemail prompt, and therefor gain access to any extensions voicemail if the PIN is known.

(e.g Destination or Voicemail)

  • Value

The extension or full exchange number of the Destination selected. If a local destination is selected such as Queue group or extension a drop-down will appear of possible values.

(ex. 100/07984154125)

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