Ring Groups

Ring Groups are used to group a number of Extensions into one group destination. Each Ring Group is assigned an extension number which, once dialled, rings the extensions assigned to the group based on ring strategy defined in the group – e.g All or Least Recent.

  • Group Name:

Unique Ring group name

(ex.Set ‘Service Desk’ here to create a ring group of the same name)

  • Extension:

Ring group extension number – this is the extension number dialled to trigger the group.

(ex. Once a user or a DID dials this number, all destinations assigned to the ring group will ring (e.g. 1000))

  • Destinations:

Extension Numbers assigned to a ring group or “members” of the group.

(ex. Once a ring group number is dialled, all destinations set here will ring at the same time (e.g. 1001, 1002, 1003…))

NOTE: If all destinations fail after ‘timeout’, ‘Last Destination’ will be called.

  • Last Destination:

The Last destination acts as an overflow to be called if none of the destination extensions answer the call, this can be either a local extension or a Mobile/Full number.

(ex. 1010)

Edit the ring group configuration
(ex. Click to edit the ring group configuration)

Delete a ring group from the system

Click to delete a ring group from the system

More information on the Advanced Options of the ring groups can be found here:

Ring Groups – Advanced Options

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