Ring Group / Call Q Dial Options

Dial Options are additional Pre-fixes that can be assigned to extensions such as Ring groups and Queues to effect how the calls are processed.

Multiple Dial options can be combined, for example a common dial option for a queue group is:


A breakdown of what is happening here is:

t – this prefix allows the person to transfer the call to another party by pressing the # key.

r – generates a ringtone for the person calling into the queue

C – Reset the CDR (Call Detail Record) for this call, this will cause the handsets to not receive a missed call indication from this group.

Possible Dial Options:

  • t – Allow the called user to transfer the call by hitting #
  • T – Allow the calling user to transfer the call by hitting #
  • r – Generate a ringing tone for the calling party, passing no audio from the called channel(s) until one answers.
  • R – Indicate ringing to the calling party when the called party indicates ringing, pass no audio until answered. This is available only if you are using kapejod’s bristuff.
  • m – Provide Music on Hold to the calling party until the called channel answers. This is mutually exclusive with option ‘r’, obviously. Use m(class) to specify a class for the music on hold.
  • o – Restore the Asterisk v1.0 Caller ID behavior (send the original caller’s ID) in Asterisk v1.2 (default: send this extension’s number)
  • j – Asterisk 1.2 and later: Jump to priority n+101 if all of the requested channels were busy (just like behaviour in Asterisk 1.0.x)
  • M (x) – Executes the macro (x) upon connect of the call (i.e. when the called party answers)
  • h – Allow the called party to hang up by dialing *
  • H – Allow the caller to hang up by dialing *
  • C – Reset the CDR (Call Detail Record) for this call.
  • A (x) – Play an announcement (x.gsm) to the called party.
  • S (n) – Hang up the call n seconds AFTER the called party picks up.
  • f – forces callerid to be set as the extension of the line making/redirecting the outgoing call. For example, some PSTNs don’t allow Caller IDs from other extensions than the ones that are assigned to you.

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