System – Parking Lots

Parking Lots allow users to have multiple parking lot extensions assigned to a tenant as well as the system default range (700-720).

  • Parking Lot:

Name of the parking lot.

  • Parking Extension:

Number of parking extension.

  • Parking Positions:

Number of parking position, or number range in form of XXX-XXX

  • Last Destination:

Number of extensions which represent Last Destination. After a call is parked, if no one picks up the call, the call will go to last destination extension, after time specified in Timeout field exceeds.

Add Parking Lot:

  • Name:

Enter the name of Parking Lot.

  • Parking Extension:

Enter the number of parking extension. If user wants to park the call, user will blind transfer the call to extension entered in this field.

  • Parking Positions:

Enter the number range in form of XXX-XXX. After the call is parked, to pick up the call, the user needs to dial one of the numbers listed here.

TIP – you can set these parking lot extension numbers up as BLF keys so that lots can be monitored.

  • Timeout [s]:

Timeout is time in seconds. During this time period, the call can be picked. After timeout exceeds, the call will be redirected to the Timeout Destination.

  • Timeout Destination:

Enter the Timeout Destination. This extension will be dialed if no one picked the parked call during the time specified in Timeout field.

  • Custom Ring Tone:

If you are directing calls to an extension on which a supported UAD is registered, you could set a Custom Ringtone with which the phone will ring.

  • Caller ID Prefix:

Set the Caller ID Prefix. This caller ID prefix will be set when call is redirected to Timeout Destination.

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