System – Archiving Storage

Remote Archiving Storage

Should you require longer than 30 days call recording storage, IPVoice includes a remote storage feature that can be used to keep your reports, CDRs, voicemails and faxes on a remote location. You can choose between three options for remote storage: Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP server or Dropbox.

  • Enable: enables the remote storage service
  • Client Type:

The Upload location type (Google Drive, Amazon S3; Dropbox; FTP) The credentials for the upload location will then be revealed – e.g Server address, Username and Password for an FTP server.

  • Resources:

The files that need to be storeg (e.g Recordings; Voicemail or Fax)

  • Folder Name:

Folder name files are to be stored against (e.g IPVoice Call Recordings)

  • Filename Date Format:

Date format of the filename to be stored

  • Filename Time Format:

Select 12/24hr Format Option

  • Upload Older Than:

Select Option (e.g 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 1 Month)

  • Max Retries:

Maximum number of retries before cancelling file upload (e.g 10)

  • Email Notifications

Enable to send email confirming achieve complete. Check the send or error only to get email notification for failed jobs only.

  • Remove Files:

Select On/Off to remove files from tenant after they are uploaded.

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