
IPVoice voicemail boxes can be viewed from this location. By default, each extension is equipped with a voice mailbox when it is created. However standard voicemail administration is done on an extension level under the “Advanced Options” of an extensions settings and not in here.

Additional voice mailboxes can be created and configured in this location (e.g to serve as group mailboxes)


By selecting the ‘Search’ Command, the search menu will be displayed. Searches can be done by Name, Email, and Extension number


This screen lists all system mailboxes with the following details:

  • Name:

Full name of the voice mailbox user

(ex. Andre Mellet)

  • Mailbox:

Voice mailbox extension number

(ex. 100 )

  • Domain:

Tenant that the extension belongs to.

(ex. t-999)

  • Edits the voice mailbox configuration
  • Deletes a voice mailbox account from the system


Edit and Delete commands will be disabled for users with the default system extension. Their voicemail settings are edited via self care or by editing their extension.

Adding and configuring additional Voicemail extensions:

Clicking on ‘Add Voicemail’ will open the voicemail screen shown below for configuration of a new voicemail box.

Note: To change these fields for an extensions default mailbox you’ll find these settings under the extensions “Advanced Options”.

Each of the configurable fields are described below:

  • Mailbox:

Unique voice mailbox extension number

(ex. Set this field to 901 ,. Now, in order to dial into this voice mailbox, simply dial 901 from any IPVoice extension)

  • Name:

Full name of the voice mailbox owner

(ex. Andre Mellet)

  • PIN: (Personal Identification Number)

Password used for accessing voicemail. The value of this field is set under ‘Authentication: PIN’.

  • Email:

Email address associated with the voice inbox. This email is used for a new voice message notification and audio file attachments

(ex. If ‘andre@domain.com’ is set here, once this mailbox receives a new message, a notification and the attached voice message (depending on if this option is enabled) will be sent to this email address)

  • Language:

Can be used to have the voicemail unit answer in additional language sound files on the system. This is generally set at a tenant level when required.

  • Send E-mail:

Whether or not to send an e-mail to the address given above.

  • Pager e-mail:

Provide the pager e-mail address here

ex. If ‘andre@pager.com’ is set here, once this mailbox receives a new message, a notification is sent to this pager email address (no attachment on this email, just a notification)

  • Greeting message:

Greeting message played to users before they are transferred to the voice mailbox to leave a message.

(ex. Mailbox user may choose between a ‘Busy’ and ‘Unavailable’ message)


When the user goes through the audio prompts of a mailbox to record a message, they can specify to record either the “Busy” message or “Unavailable” Message. so this option allows for flexible selection of 1 of 2 prompts.

  • Unavailable message:

Upload the custom unavailable message. Unavailable message supports: WAV, wav, and gsm files only

(ex. If the default unavailable message does not suit your needs, click the ‘Browse’ button, upload a custom message, and select it under ‘greeting message’ a new audio file can also be recorded from the handset)

  • Reset Unavailable message:

Reset the current unavailable message

(ex. To reset the current unavailable message, click this button. The message will be deleted from the filesystem and the default will take it’s place)

  • Skip instructions:

Skip the instructions telling users how to leave a voice message

(ex. Once the caller reaches the voice mailbox, instructions on how to leave voice a message is played. We encouraged to set this option to ‘Yes’ all the time)

  • Attach:

Whether the voice message should be attached and sent along with the notification email

(ex. A caller leaves a voice message for Andre. With this option set to ‘Yes’, the notification email Andre gets will have the voice message attached to it, so Andre can listen to it without signing in to his voice mailbox)

  • Delete After E-mailing:

Whether the voice message sound file should be deleted from the filesystem after sending it as an attachment to the user’s email address

(ex. The caller leaves a voice message to Andre. With this option set to ‘Yes’, the voice message will be deleted after sending it as an attachment to Andre’s email address)

  • Say CallerID:

Whether the extension number who left the voice message should be announced to the mailbox owner

(ex. With this option set to ‘Yes’, Andre will hear ‘… from phone number 104…’ when checking his mailbox, for example).

  • Allow Review mode:

Allow the user to review his voice message before it sends to the voice mailbox

(ex. After a caller leaves a voice message and presses ‘#’, additional review options are allowed: 1 to accept the recording, 2 to re-record your message, etc.

  • Allow Operator:

Allow the caller to reach the operator from the voice inbox by pressing ‘0’

(ex. Once the user leaves a voice message and presses #, additional options, including ‘…press 0 to reach an Operator’, are heard)

  • Operator Extension:

The local extension number that is dialed once ‘0’ is pressed to reach the Operator

(ex. Once the caller leaves a voice message to Andre and presses ‘0’ to reach the Operator, the extension number provided here (e.g. 101) will be dialed)

  • Play Envelope Message:

Announces the date and time when the voice message was left in the inbox

(ex. With this option enabled, Andre will hear ‘First message, 08:12, 02 Aug 2021’, for example, when checking his voice mailbox)

  • Hide from directory:

This option will allow you to hide your voicemail extension from the directory list.

(ex. Yes, No, N/A)

  • Rings to answer:

Number of rings played to the caller before the call enters Voicemail

(ex. Rather than just ‘falling’ into Voicemail, it is recommended to set the number of ring sounds played to caller)

NOTE: By default, this field is empty which means that there will be no ringing. The caller will go straight into the Voicemail.

  • Voicemail Delay:

The time delay in seconds before the Busy/Unavailable message is played to the caller. This solves a previous issue with ‘half-played’ files. Keep this value between 1-3

(ex. The caller is leaving a voice message to Andre. It hears ‘…ot at home right now…’. Adding ‘1’ to this field will add a one second pause before the message is played. So, now the caller will hear the greeting message without the first part being cut off ‘I am not at home right now…’).

  • Timezone:

Set the correct date and time format for the message envelope.

(ex. Some countries prefer a time format in the mm-dd-yy or dd-mm-yy format. Select from the available options)

  • Carbon Copy E-mails

On the Extensions page under the Voicemail section a field called “Carbon Copy E-mails” is available.

“Carbon Copy E-mails” can be used to add multiple recipients for e-mails, as BCC.
Users can add multiple extensions in this field by typing them out and pressing Enter.

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