
Conference Groups

Conference Groups are used to configure certain conference bridge features, groups also house user permissions, giving access to features such as being a marked user to start the conference or assigning talk only/listen only use (seen below):

When you click on the ‘Add Conference’ Group button, you will be able to add a new Conference Group.

An explanation for all of the configurable fields can be found below:

Group Name

Unique Conference Group name

(ex. Sales)


  • Announce user join/leave w/review

If this option is checked/enabled, all new conference members will be asked to say their name and press the ‘#’ key before they enter the conference. After a user presses the ‘#’ key, they will be presented with the following menu:

  • 1– press 1 to accept your name and enter the conference
  • 2– press 2 to listen to your name
  • 3– press 3 to re-record your name

This name will be recorded and played to other conference members when a caller joins/leaves the conference.

(ex. James dials the 901 sales conference and is asked to say his name and to press the ‘#’ key. Of course, he says ‘James’ and presses the ‘#’ key. After that he is presented with a menu where he chooses to accept his name and enter the conference. At the same time, all conference members will hear ‘James has entered the conference’. When James leaves, all conference members will hear ‘James has left the conference’ message).

  • Announce user join/leave

If this option is checked/enabled, an announcement will be played when a user joins or leaves a conference, this is the same as the Announce user join/leave just without the options to change recorded name afterwards.

  • Quiet mode

If this option is checked/enabled, conference members will not hear the enter and leave sound.

(ex. Check this option if you do not want to hear the join/leave sound).

  • Record conference

This option will record the conference so you can download the recorded file.

NOTE: You can download the recorded file in Conferences: CDR’s, by selecting a conference and clicking on the Listen button.

  • Enable music on hold

Enable MOH (Music On Hold) if there is a single member in a conference. Enable this feature to play MOH music files until someone else joins the conference.

(ex. If James enters the conference first, and he is the only one there, he will hear MOH. Enable this feature to play MOH music files until someone else joins the conference).

  • Present menu

Plays Conference options once * is dialled while in a conference.

(ex. James enters the sales conference and dials ‘*’, Conference options are played back (e.g. ‘Please press 1 to mute/un-mute yourself’)).

  • Announce the number of participants

Announces the number of conference participants to a new conference member. “There is currently only 1 other participant in the conference.”

(ex. The Sales conference has this option enabled and is currently empty. James enters the conference and hears ‘You are currently the only person in this conference’ played back to him).

  • Close the conference when the last marked user exits

Closes the conference once the last marked user exits, no matter how many participants are still active in the conference conversation, their calls are immediately dropped.

(ex. James (marked user) enters the sales conference. This conference has this option enabled and there are 3 other members participating in the conference. As soon as James leaves the conference, all other conference members will have their calls dropped and will no longer be able to talk to each other).

  • Wait for the marked user before allowing anyone to talk

Disables the conference until the marked user enters the conference.

(ex. This option is enabled for the sales conference. There are 3 members waiting for James (marked user) to enter the conference. These 3 members will hear nothing and will not be able to talk to each other until James enters the sales conference).


There are two options for enabling users to join a specific conference room. You can either enable all users by selecting the check box for Enable All Users or you can manually add users by clicking the + sign in the upper right corner of the Users table. This will open the Conference Groups: Add User pop-up window where you can perform a search by the Extension number, Name, or e-mail address. After your search results are displayed, simply click on the user that you want to add to the Users table and then press the + button.

  • Enable All Users

With this option you can allow all users to enter a conference.

  • Extension

The extension number of the user that you have added to the group.

  • Name

The name of the user that you have added to the group.

  • Admin

Sets the admin conference mode. If this option is enabled, conference calls coming from the extension will be treated with admin privileges.

  • Marked

Sets the marked conference mode. If this option is enabled, conference calls coming from the extension will be given less privileges than admin, but more than regular conference participants.

  • Talk-Only

Sets the ‘talk only’ conference mode. If this option is enabled, conference calls coming from this extension will be allowed to talk only (no audio will be heard on the handset).

  • Listen-Only

Sets the listen only conference mode. If this option is enabled, conference calls coming from the extension will be allowed to listen only (no audio will be sent from the handset).


If this option is enabled, users will be allowed to exit the conference by dialling the ‘#’ key.

  • Exit-Digit

If this option is enabled, users will be allowed to exit the conference by dialling any digit.

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