DIDs – Edit DID/Advanced Options

Edit DID

When you click on the Edit button beside a DID, you will be able to edit that DID settings, its destination, etc.

  • Destination:

Set destination to which DID will transfer all calls. (Extensions, IVRs, Queues, Voicemails, Remote Access, Conferences, and even to Fax to Email service)

(ex. Extensions, IVRs, Queues, Voicemails, Remote Access, Conferences, or Fax to Email)

  • Value:

Destination extension to which all DID calls will be transferred

(ex. If ‘Destination’=’Extension’, set the extension number here (e.g. 100). In case ‘Destination’=’IVR’, set the IVR extension number here)

  • Service Plan

Leave at “None” not required for current purposes.

Advanced Options:

  • Operation Times:

Set the DID operation time

For more on Operation Times, see the Operation Times Article:

Operation Times

  • CLI Validation & Routing

Configure Validation & Routing

For more info see the bottom of this article under “CLI Validation & Routing”

  • Greeting:

Greeting which is played when calling this DID

When uploading a greeting for DID, the name of the sound file must start with ‘greeting-did-‘

  • Strip N digits

Here you can set the number of digits which will be stripped from the beginning of the incoming call if required.

  • Replace Caller ID

Replaces the caller ID with the custom data provided here. This is used when you want all incoming calls to your Ring Group to have this value displayed as a caller ID information. Along with the custom data, you can use the ‘%CALLERID%’ variable, which displays the calling party phone number.

(ex. Putting Sales Call %CALLERID% will present Sales call – “calling number” on handset displays.

  • Queue Priority:

Set the Queue priority

(ex. If this DID redirects all calls to the queue, set ‘1’ here to give all calls over this trunk the highest queue priority).

  • Custom ringtone:

Set a custom ringtone for any system handsets this DID goes to.

  • Record Calls:

Enable call recording service

(ex. Select ‘Yes’ to enable the service. All incoming/outgoing calls to the group will be recorded. Ensure call recording is enabled on every leg of the call – e.g “DID” > “Ring Group” > “Extension”

CLI Validation & Routing (Blacklist)

This option is used to fine tune the functionality of the DID by adding rules which send the calls to different destinations based on Caller IDs. For example, if the Caller’s ID begins with 079, you can send all those calls to the IVR, if the CallerID is specifically number e.g – 07985241452 you can create a match to send the call to “Deny Access” to blacklist the caller.

  • Caller ID

The Caller ID which is matched in the rule.

Begin with or full match – (ex. 07985241563)

  • Destination

The type of destination to which the call will be directed.

(ex. “Deny Access” or “IVR”)

  • Extension

Extension of the destination or selection where the call should go.

(ex. 100)

  • Match Type

How the Caller ID is matched.

(ex. Begins With/Explicit Match)

Example Blacklist for specific number:

Example Blacklist for calls from International destination (Spain)

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