Ring Groups – Advanced Options

These options fine-tune ring group settings with additional options

  • Greeting:

Greeting sound file played to callers when the Ring group is dialed


Select ‘greeting-default-attendant’, for example. Any user that calls this ring group will hear this sound file played to them before all ring group extensions are dialed. See System – Sound Files for more info on greetings.

  • Answer on undefined greeting:

If this option is turned on, the ring group will not answer until the proper greeting is selected.

(ex. Yes, No, Not Set)

  • Timeout Message

Sound file played to caller if their call does not get answered by any of the ring group extensions.

NOTE: Sound file must have ‘announce-‘ name prefix (e.g. ‘announce-unavailable’)

(ex. John dials ring group 1000, but nobody answers his call. The sound file selected here will be played to John and then his call will be transferred to ‘Last Destination’ extension)

  • Loops:

How many times to dial all extensions again if nobody answers

(ex. John dials Ring group 1000, but nobody answers his call. If this option is set to ‘2’, all extensions will be dialled one more time before transferring his call to ‘Last Destination’)

  • Timeout:

How many seconds all ring group extensions will ring before the call is considered unanswered

(ex. This option is set to 20. John dials ring group 1000. All Extensions will ring for 20 seconds before timeout occurs. Depending on whether ‘Loop’ option is set, all extension will be rung again, or John will be transferred to ‘Last Destination’)

  • Dial Options:

Additional call options assigned to a ring group.

A full list of Dial options can be found in the Dial Options article.

(ex. To play music to ring group callers, set this field to ‘m(class)’, where m = MOH class e.g. m(‘default’).

  • Ring Strategy:

This option regulates how extension in the Ring Group will be ringed.


  • All – ring all extensions in the group
  • Leastrecent – ring extension with least answered calls
  • Round – ring each available extension
  • Round Memory – like round, except we remember where we left off the last ring pass
  • Custom ringtone:

Set a custom ringtone for the phones which are in this ring group

  • Replace Caller ID:

Replaces the caller ID with the custom data provided here. This is used when you want all incoming calls to your Ring Group to have this value displayed as a caller ID information. Along with the custom data, you can use the ‘%CALLERID%’ variable, which displays the calling party phone number.

(ex. Putting Sales Call %CALLERID% will present Sales call – “calling number” on handset displays.

  • Record Calls:

Enable call recording service

(ex. Select ‘Yes’ to enable the service. All incoming/outgoing calls to the group will be recorded. Ensure call recording is enabled on every leg of the call – e.g “DID” > “Ring Group” > “Extension”

  • Silent:

Set whether call recordings should be announced to parties in a conversation.

(ex. If Silent=No, calling parties will hear a ‘Recorded’ or ‘This call is recorded’ message before their conversation starts)

  • Play Periodic Beep

To enable this feature, enter time in seconds to define how often periodic sound signal will be played to informed parties that call recording is enabled.

For example, enter 60 to enable this feature and play periodic signal every 60 seconds.

  • Exit Digit:

Exit digits that transfers the call to the ‘Exit Destination’

(ex. John dials ring group 1000. While all extensions are ringing, John presses the ‘Exit digit’ set here (e.g. 9) and his call is transferred to the ‘Exit Destination’).

  • Exit Extension:

IPVoice extension to which the call is transferred to once the user dials the ‘Exit Digit’

(ex. John dials ring group 1000. While all extensions are ringing, John presses the ‘Exit Digit’ and his call is transferred to the ‘Exit Destination’ provided here (e.g. 2001))

  • Last Destination:

Last destination to be dialed if none of the ring group extensions answer the call

(ex. John dials Ring group 1000, but nobody answers his call. Sound file selected under ‘Announce’ is played to John and his call is transferred to the extension number set here).

  • Last Destination is voicemail:

Choose whether you want calls to be redirected to the Last Destination or Last Destination voicemail.

(ex. Yes, No, N/A)

  • Confirm Calls:

Chose whether the called number in the ring group list should be asked to accept or refuse the call from ring group.

(ex. Yes, No, N/A)

  • Confirmation Message:

Chose whether to play system default or some custom added sound asking if you want to answer or reject the call

(ex. All sound files for this option should start with ‘rg-announce’)

  • Call Answered Message:

Chose whether to play system default or custom sound file which is presented to user when he accepts the call from ring group, but the call has already been answered by someone else

(ex. All sound files for this option should start with ‘rg-late-announce’)

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