Fax – Received

The Fax window displays all faxes received by IPVoice .


This screen lists all faxes received by IPVoice with the following details:

  • From (RSID):

Extension number from which the fax was sent

(ex. 01494888999)

  • Destination:

The Email address to which the attached fax was sent. If the extension number is displayed here, the fax is sent to the email address associated with the extension

(ex. email@domain.com|1001)

  • Date/Time:

Date/Time fax was received

(ex. 21 Jun 2021 13:05:01)

  • Pages:

Number of pages in the received fax

(ex. 1)

  • Size:

Fax size in KB

(ex. 14KB)

  • Sent:

Shows whether the fax was sent remotely or not

(ex. The red icon indicates local and the green one indicates the remote fax destination)

  • Box used for download/delete fax actions

(ex. Select this box and click ‘Download’ button to download the selected fax)


  • Delete

With the Delete button you will remove the selected fax from the list

  • Download PDF

Download the selected fax as a PDF file

  • Download TIFF

Download the selected fax as a TIFF file

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