How to assign Modules & Licenses

Modules and licenses are required to access features such as the mobile applications, the desktop client and CRM integration.

If a license isn’t assigned to a user, they will see an error stating that their account does not support the selected edition.

The “Apps” overview can be used to get an insight of what editions are currently assigned on the tenant.

Editions that show in red have more users assigned than licenses, so problems will occur when all users try to login (one license is used for one active user). If more licenses are required contact the support desk.

Assigning Editions & Modules

Editions can be assigned to individual users through “Editions & Modules” in an extension’s options or they can be bulk added via Department templates.

Assigning individually

Navigate to Extensions > System and select the extension you would like to assign a license to.

Once in the extension, press “Editions & Modules”

Make sure “Use department templates” is unticked and enable the Editions & Modules required.

Bulk Assignments

Bulk assignments are done through departments.

First, navigate to Extensions > Departments and create a department label. for our example this will be “Sales” because we want everyone to have the same apps.

Once finished, navigate to Apps > Templates to assign the permissions for this group.

Assign the department we just created to the extension, once saved the editions & modules will kick in and you should see the app assignments on the app overview. If the apps were assigned manually beforehand “Use department templates” will need to be enabled again.

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