How to setup priority routing/blacklist numbers

Priority Routing and Blacklists

Priority routing can be setup in the CLI & Validation options of a DID found under the “advanced options”. And can be used to block or route specific numbers/strings on the inbound. This is useful for blocking nuisance callers or routing specific priority numbers through to another location.

Setting up CLI Validation:

Step 1. Access your DID and press the “advanced options” and then CLI Validation & routing.

Step 2. Press the “Add Rule” button

Step 3. Set the CallerID to route (this is the number calling in) and choose the destination you would like to route to (for example to block you would choose Deny Access)

Match explicitly will only enforce the rule if the CallerID is a full match, for our purpose of blocking a specific number we will set this as yes, but for example if you wanted to route all 0203 numbers you would set this to “No” and set the CallerID to be 0203.

Press save, and you will then see your finished rule:

The rule above will send all calls from 07984524812 to an engaged tone.

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